Escoda Clinic, Aesthetic and Regenerative Medicine in Barcelona

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Doctor Teresa Garriga-Baraut

No. referee: 39423

Dr. Teresa Garriga has a Medicine degree from the University of Barcelona – Hospital Clínic – and a Master’s in Aesthetic and Wellness Medicine

She works at the Vall d’Hebron University Hospital as an Adjunct Specialist Physician. She skillfully balances her hospital responsibilities with her private practice in aesthetic medicine, research, and teaching.

Dr. Garriga-Baraut’s experience in Aesthetic Medicine encompasses a wide range of skills regarding body and facial treatments. She excels in facial remodeling, mesotherapy, and biostimulation. 

Her expertise also extends to oral or intravenous nutritional and pharmacological treatments, known as “Drips”. In addition, she is an expert in skin pathology and related areas, which gives her extensive knowledge of “Well-Aging” treatments. 

Her core value in aesthetic medicine lies in performing natural treatments.

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Clínica Escoda, Medicina Estética
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