Escoda Clinic, Aesthetic and Regenerative Medicine in Barcelona

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Full body slimming treatment, Aesthetic Medical Center Dr Escoda in Barcelona

Healthy Fit, antiaging treatment

Comprehensive multidisciplinary therapy based on a program of physical activity and nutrition, accompanied by supplementation, for a healthy lifestyle.

Escoda Clinic, Aesthetic and Regenerative Medicine in Barcelona

Aesthetic and regenerative medicine clinic on Rambla de Catalunya, in the heart of Barcelona.


What is the Healthy Fit Anti-Aging Treatment?

Have you tried losing weight unsuccessfully, no matter how many diets or exercises you try?

If this is your case, then you should know that being overweight and metabolic diseases such as prediabetes, high blood pressure or dyslipidemia do not have a single origin: they are multifactorial.

To defeat them once and for all you have to attack on several different fronts. A comprehensive multidisciplinary therapy based on a physical activity program and a nutrition program, accompanied by supplementation, that lead to a lifestyle change is needed.

Our Healthy Fit Anti-Aging program offers you this comprehensive and fully-customised treatment tailored to your needs, physiology and lifestyle, supervised at all times by our medical professionals.

On your first visit, we will start with an evaluation session and an analytical session and we establish an initial exercise guideline. Subsequently, you will receive nutritional advice and we will monitor your evolution and progress.


What will we work on together?

Physical activity program

We will design a physical activity program with strength and resistance exercises tailored to your particular physiology, as well as aerobic exercises to reach the maximum percentage of fat burning.

Nutritional program

To enhance, strengthen and stabilise the results achieved with the physical activity program, we will work on all aspects of your nutrition. We will look for the right caloric balance for you and take into account the micro and macro-nutritional contributions you need.


We will recommend different supplements that will strengthen the results achieved with physical activity and nutritional changes while correcting hormonal and nutritional base imbalances. They will also help us reduce muscle fatigue and decrease recovery times between sports sessions.


Helathy Fit Anti-Aging Program benefits

  • We will examine and agree on the best method to achieve your goals.
  • We will put an end to your excess weight or persistent localised fatty accumulations.
  • We will decrease your fat percentage and increase muscle mass.
  • We will also be able to increase your basal metabolic rate (base calorie consumption at rest).
  • We will achieve changes in your lifestyle in order to maintain long-term results.
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Clínica Escoda, Medicina Estética
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